24 hours in relay teams of 3 to 6 runners
The objective of this race is very easy: to cover the largest distance possible in 24 hours in relay. Every team decide when switching the relay to the next runner (every hour, every 2 hours…) Whenever you want!! But you need to be fast when exchanging because the clock doesn’t stop, and other competitors neither!!
Start: Saturday at 12 pm (midday).
End: Sunday at 12 pm (midday).
Place: Joan Serrahima Stadium– Carrer del Polvorí 3-7 (Barcelona)
• Once the registrations will be open, you can reserve your place on this web site, in the Registrations section, by POS, for the price of 210€ per team.
• On the race day there will be a collection box where you can donate any other charitable contributions, as you see fit.
• Once registered, if there is any reason you cannot compete, as this is a charity event, the registration fee is unrefundable.
• Registration closes on 5th December or whenever 10 teams are registered, whichever is earlier.
• Participants allows explicity that their name, family name, gender and date of birth will be published on the registration list, as on the result list, following the established rules.
• The participants relinquish to the organisation, without any time-limit, the right to use their image in any kind of report
Race progress:
• This competition takes place under the rules of “International Association of Ultrarunners” (IAU Guidelines) and the “International Association of Athletics Federations” (IAAF Rules), all competitors should read and accept the rules prior to registration.
• This race will be controlled by ChampionChip.
• The race starts at 12 pm (midday), yet the captain of the team should come to collect their bib numbers and chip at the stadium between 9:30 am and 10:30 am.
• Each relay team receives a timing chip that need to be switched from a runner to the next, and 2 race bibs with the same number: one for the competitor running and the other one for the next runner, in order that the next runner can place it bib number properly and just rush to exchange the timing chip at the boxes. The team is the one who is in charge to keep the extra bib number, as you can be helped by the people at the secretary.
• The relays must have a minimum duration of 30 minutes.
• During the race competitors will occupy the internal lanes of the track, numbers 7 and 8.
• The length of lane number 7, which measures 445,366 m, is the one that will be used to multiply by the number of laps in order to calculate the total distance that competitors have run after the timing mat.
• The race will finish on Sunday at 12pm (midday). A few minutes before, the organizers will give cards with corresponding bib numbers to all of the competitors. This card must be left on the floor at the moment that the bell rings to announce the end of the race. Using the placement of the cards the judges of the competition will calculate, using a caliper wheel, the distance of their final lap that each competitor has covered.
• Every 3 hours the spinning direction will be changed to compensate the hours that the athletes turn around the track. This change will be announced and sign out by the organization.
• All competitors must wear their race bib visible on their front.
• If a team retires from the race, should notify it at the organizers and return their chip.
• The judges of the race will take care in applying the IAU and the IAAF regulations, and can issue cautionary bookings (admonish) with a yellow card or disqualify competitors if they continue to break the rules.
• Bathroom facilities will be available to competitors before, during and after the race.
• The first 3 placed teams will receive a medal. The award ceremony will take place at the end of the race.